Friday, November 12, 2010


I don't know where it came from, but the sickness hit me.  It started with faucet nose, and the moved on to scratchy throat... and on and on to the other stuff.  Then, I unfortunately gave the sickness to C.  He now has faucet nose like you wouldn't believe.  Between that and the boogers I can't keep up.  Plus he started running a fever last night. 

He woke up once last night soaking wet from sweating.  I felt so bad for him.  He also had the gook stuff and that kept gagging him last night.  :(  I felt so bad that I couldn't do anything to help him, or make him feel better.  He is still running all over, and going a mile a minute but you can tell he isn't feeling well just looking at his eyes. 

As I type this C has Hunny standing in front of the pantry, but has no clue what he wants.  :D  Sometimes that really gets my blood boiling, but isn't it crazy that it really makes me laugh when he does it to M?  Shame on me.... Shame, Shame, Shame...

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